Creating a Gift Basket

Creating a perfect gift basket for any occasion is not difficult. But, it is thoughtful. To start, choose a theme for your gift basket. Special occasions, holidays, birthdays, hobbies, parties, romance, marriage, divorce, births, awards, and milestones are all great ideas. Gift baskets don’t only have to be for special occasions; they can also be aimed at general interests, such as travel, cooking, sports, or gardening. Let your creativity shine! Most gift baskets have a theme. If you set a theme from the start, it’ll be much easier to plan what goes in your basket.

Gift baskets make great presents for nearly any occasion. However, it is difficult to purchase the perfect ready-made basket no matter how hard you try. Making your own gift basket allows you to personalize its contents while saving money. Follow the same basic technique for every gift basket you create, and simply change the contents to match your chosen theme.

Theme Ideas for Creating a Gift Basket

creating a gift basket

Setting Your Budget when Creating a Gift Basket

The next step is important. Before starting to purchase items to include in your gift basket, establish a budget. While gift baskets contain multiple items, it can be very easy to overspend if you haven’t established your budget. Once I have selected my theme, I will plan an item to be my focal point for my gift basket. That makes it easier to select other, less expensive items to complete the basket.

Now it’s time to go shopping. Purchase and gather items to include in your gift basket. Or, better yet, make some things to add to your basket. To save money, consider shopping at your local discount or dollar stores to save money. Here, you can find a filler for the bottom of whatever you choose as your “basket”, cellophane, ribbon and the like. And, if you are really lucky, you may find some neat things to add to your baskets collection.

Selecting Your “Container” or “Basket”

Use your imagination when choosing what you will use as your “basket”. This part can be fun! Choose a plain old wicker basket, or maybe a heart-shaped basket. Choose from extraordinary gift boxes, laundry baskets, ice buckets, helmets, wooden crates, jewelry boxes, cleaning buckets, and more to stay with your theme. Your container can be as simple as a paper bag or as sophisticated as a bassinet.

Some Ideas for Containers

Kitchen Gift Basket Ideas

  • Mixing Bowl
  • Frying Pan
  • Coffee Mug
  • Cookie Jar
  • Cooking Pot
  • Serving Tray

Gardening Baskets

  • Watering Can
  • Flower Pots
  • Rain Barrel
  • Wheel Barrow
  • Flower Box

Sports Fans

  • Sports Towel
  • Team Tote
  • Backpack
  • Sports cap
  • Shoe Bag

Cosmetics, Skin Care or Bath/Body

  • Vanity Tray
  • Cosmetic Bag
  • Towel
  • Gift Box
  • Wicker Container
  • Straw Purse

Wine and Cheese Lovers

  • Wicker Baskets
  • Wooden Crate
  • Serving Tray
  • Rustic Burlap
  • Ice or Champagne Bucket
  • A Cutting Board
  • Picnic Basket

Study / Office

  • Paper Tray
  • Pencil Cup
  • Waste Basket
  • Letter Sorter
  • Mail Trays
  • Trash Can

Gather All Supplies

Gather your supplies before you begin to arrange the contents of your gift basket:

Tool Needed for Assembly
  • Scissors
  • Rolled cellophane, shrink wrap, tulle, cheesecloth
  • Ribbon or Twine
  • Tissue, shredded cellophane, or straw
  • Gift enclosure card
  • A bow or something more creative

Time to sit down and put it all together! Have fun putting your masterpiece together. A Gift Basket shows how much you care.

Assemble, Assemble, Assemble

Rest the gift items directly on top of the filler inside the basket. Place additional filler between the items to keep them in place.
Now, you can arrange the tallest gift in the center of the basket while arranging the other items, tallest to shortest facing them towards the basket’s perimeter. Try to maintain symmetry with the gifts.
Or you could arrange the smallest items near the front of the basket, then place the taller items further toward the back. Face all items to the basket’s front.

Don’t forget, gift baskets are appropriate for almost any occasion, from housewarmings to holidays! Show how much you care and give the very best.

Wrap the Entire Basket

By wrapping the entire basket, you ensure that all your gift items remain secure. If you do not need to protect your contents safe from moisture, you can use tulle. You can also use shrink wrap. Want to create a magical holiday gift basket? Add a strand of battery-operated twinkle lights.

The sky is the limit on your creativity when designing your next gift basket! Your friends and family will certainly appreciate your warm, thoughtful gesture…. What are you waiting for? Get started now!

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