Collagen Supplements

What are Collagen Supplements?

Collagen supplements are ingestible products intended to boost collagen levels, while keeping your hair, nails, and skin looking healthy and more youthful. Types I, II, III, V, and X are the most common collagen types found in these supplements. They are typically extracted from chicken, bovine, eggshell, and marine sources.

Many collagen supplements provide Types I and III. This collagen type is often sourced from bovine hides. It is believed to be useful in maintaining healthy, vibrant skin. Types V and X are found in eggshells and are believed to be effective in helping support healthy hair and joints.

Collagen supplements are typically administered in the following forms:

  • dissolvable tablets
  • dissolvable powders
  • foods
  • drinks
  • ingestible capsules
  • Most recently, GEL SNAPS

Additional collagen supplements are available in creams, serums, and lotions. However, these are not considered supplements, as they are not made to be ingested.

What is Collagen and How Is It Used?

Collagen prevents your team from sagging. Read all about collagen and you here!

Collagen, a protein, plays an essential role in protecting your skin and body. It’s actually the most abundant protein in the human body, and it’s in muscles, bones, skin, and tendons. Collagen is one of the most important ingredients to add to your routine to keep your skin looking young.

One of collagen’s most important roles is with the skin. Collagen forms a fibrous network of cells in the dermis or middle layer of skin. The binding together of collagen proteins helps keep your skin looking youthful and elastic.

Although our bodies produce collagen naturally, we produce less of it as we age. As our collagen levels decline, our skin begins to decline, leading to wrinkles and aging. This is the main reason to begin using collagen supplements. Although supplements cannot help your body create its own collagen, they will increase collagen levels in your body.

Know This About Collagen Supplements

Collagen supplements are mainly taken to support the healthy appearance of your body’s connective tissues, including your hair, nails, and skin. To achieve this, your body must absorb the collagen effectively.

First, when choosing a collagen supplement, you want to check if the supplement is broken down for easy absorption. Second, identify the types of collagen included in the supplement. Finally, check out the ingredients to ensure it works best for your body.

By looking at the supplements ingredients, you can identify the sources of collagen. Look for fillers, additives, and preservatives if you are looking for a specific type of collagen. Are you avoiding a specific animal extract? You will be pleased to learn that many collagen supplements are dairy, soy, or gluten free. Choose a supplement with minimal artificial ingredients.

Benefits of Collagen Peptides

Collagen peptide consumption has been proven to reduce signs of aging. The following benefits, in addition to the benefits to your appearance, will be seen by snapping a daily dose of Uuth:

  • Joint improvement
  • Improved hair and nail growth
  • A reduction of ashen, dry elbows and knees
  • More supple, smooth skin with increased elasticity
  • Less wrinkles

And, speaking of supplements, read about uüth™! An amazing new scientific breakthrough, a nootropic gel based delivery system. No more powders or capsules. SNAP uüth™, in gel form, is absorbed into your system in seconds. No decreased efficiency or lost product.

This is uüth™ from Velovita!

How Soon Can you Expect Results from Collagen Supplements

Multiple factors determine how long it takes to see results from taking collagen supplements. Your body is unique. It functions differently depending on things like age, stress, diet, health, sleep patterns, and more. Lifestyle choices affect your metabolism, affecting how you will process any supplement. Each of the following factors impacts how quickly you may see results, as each affects your rate of absorption:

  • The form of the collagen supplement – is it tablet, powder, or gel?
  • What is the type of the collagen supplement – is it Type I, II, III, V or X?
  • What is the source of the collagen supplement – is it chicken, bovine, eggshell, or marine?

All of these things can impact your specific rate of absorption and how quickly you can see results. That’s why you should try uüth™ now!

Skincare Essentials Plus Collagen Supplements

Start Taking a Collagen Supplement – Taking collagen supplements will improve your skin’s elasticity and hydration, while reducing dryness. This leads to reduced wrinkles. Read this to learn about an exciting scientifically engineered nano-technology breakthrough in collagen delivery right here and now!

collagen supplements

Try this new, amazing collagen gel once a day to maintain or regain your vibrant, youthful glow. See how NOW with uüth™! This formulation will restore your energy, drive, stamina, focus, and give you smooth, wrinkle-free skin. ORDER NOW!

Add These WITH Your Supplement

Moisturize – To keep your skin looking young, apply a moisturizer in the morning and at night. Moisturizers trap water in the skin, resulting in a more youthful and vibrant appearance. To learn more about moisturizers, GO HERE! Choosing a quality moisturizer:

  • First, select a moisturizer containing Glycerin, an ingredient that draws water into your skin, also known as a humectant.
  • Next, select a moisturizer containing Hyaluronic acid, as it softens the skin’s texture and provides much-needed hydration. It can also improve your skin’s elasticity and firmness, while decreasing fine lines and wrinkles.
  • Finally, select a moisturizer containing shea butter, a byproduct of the shea tree seed. Shea butter maintains moisture, smooths the skin, and helps soothe symptoms of inflammation.

Remember, you don’t have to break the bank to find a moisturizer that meet your needs. There are many quality moisturizers in your local drugstore at fair price points.

Add a Retinoid to Your Regimen

Retinoids are essential to any skincare routine. As a topical vitamin A-based treatment, retinoids provide advantages to your skin’s appearance and health. Some retinoids promote cell turnover, while softening wrinkles and stimulating collagen. Some help with pigmentation and treating acne. But all retinoids are not the same. It is very easy to find over-the-counter retinoid products without side effects. But using these products may take several months to a year for visible results. Do your research before making your purchase. A doctor may provide prescription-only retinoids that may be much stronger.

Exfoliate, Exfoliate, Exfoliate – Use a non-irritating acid cleanser, nothing harsh, to lightly exfoliate your skin and remove dead skin cells on the surface. Exfoliators slough off the outer layer of dead skin and reveal the smooth skin underneath. This allows your skincare products to be better absorbed, giving you a brighter complexion and a more vibrant glow.

Improve your Complexion Holistically

You don’t have to purchase expensive creams and lotions to keep your skin healthy and young. Follow these simple steps to improve your skin’s quality.

Eat a Healthy Diet – skincare begins from the inside out. Eat whole foods, including fruits and vegetables. Include lean proteins, nuts, and seeds. Avoid processed foods and those containing sugar. The following is a list of foods that promote skin health:

  • Tomatoes help prevent skin cancer tumors created by UV light exposure.
  • Mangoes have antioxidants that help protect skin components, like collagen.
  • Olive oil is associated with the reduction of cumulative skin damage, including dark spots, discoloration, and wrinkles, related to long-term sun exposure.
  • Green tea has been linked to many skin benefits. Polyphenols found in green tea rejuvenate dying skin cells, suggesting green tea may help with certain skin conditions.
  • Dark chocolate contains flavanols known to improve skin’s structure by decreasing scaly, rough skin, and increasing hydration.
  • White tea has anti-cancer and anti-aging properties, which protect the skin from immune cell damage and oxidative stress.
  • Kale is one of the best sources of protection from light-induced damage, like UV rays, to the skin.
  • Soy helps reduce crow’s fee in menopausal women. You know, those pesty wrinkles at the outer corner of the eyes?
  • Avocados are one of the best anti-aging foods to eat. Not only are avocados high in healthy fats, but they’re also an excellent source of vitamins E & C, both of which play a key role in the health and vitality of your skin.
  • Walnuts contain essential fats, zinc, vitamin E, selenium and protein. These are all essential nutrients to skin’s health.
  • Broccoli is a good source of vitamins, minerals, and carotenoids that are important for maintaining healthy skin. Its sulforaphane may help prevent skin cancer.


Drink Water – Drink plenty of water. Keeping your body hydrated leads to vibrant, glowing skin. Form a friendship with your water bottle, and don’t leave home. If you are averse to the taste of water, add fresh fruit or cucumber.

More Helpful Hints to Healthy Skin

Keep Stress in Check – Reduce your stress levels, and you may see clearer skin. Have you ever noticed right before a life event one nasty pimple shows up? Science has identified links between stress levels and the complexion. If stress is causing skin pain, try a stress reduction technique. Maybe meditation, tai chi, or yoga?

Exercise – You probably know that working out is good for your health, but did you know it’s also great for your skin? Exercise increases blood flow, which helps nourish skin cells, keeping them vitalized. Blood flow also eliminates waste products from your skin. This will help keep your skin vibrant and glowing. Before any exercise, remove your makeup. If you leave it on, it can clog your pores, but if you remove it, sweating will help clear your pores.

Healthy Sleep a Must – Try This – brān®

Get Quality Sleep – Sleep is essential to the look of your skin! Lack of sleep leads to dark circles, puffy eyes, and pale skin. Sleep deprivation can cause premature skin aging and a reduced ability for skin to repair itself from things like sun exposure. Your body is unable to produce new collagen without adequate sleep.

Skin repair and cell growth occur during the night. Good, quality sleep gives your skin time to rejuvenate. Your skin is more receptive to retinoids at night. Try to get to sleep early, and aim for hours of sleep.

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Sleep on your Back – Avoid sleeping on your side. Smashing your face into the pillow can create wrinkles. If you sleep on your side, switch sides every so often. The best way to prevent your face from touching the pillow is to sleep on your back.

Use the Right Pillow Cases – You want to minimize inflammation. It is one of the root causes of skin aging. You can achieve this by using softer pillowcases, maybe satin or silk. This is less abrasive to your skin.

Things to Avoid for Healthy Skin

Avoid the Sun – It is difficult to reverse sun damage. Regardless of the weather or how long you’ll be outside, you should wear sunscreen every day. Never skimp on the sunscreen, even on a cloudy day. SPF of 30 or higher applied every few hours for maximum protection. Bottomline, stay in the shade. Sun isn’t good for the rest of your body either.

Avoid Caffeine – Caffeine consumption also wreaks havoc on your skin. Caffeine activates the stress response, causing the skin to produce more oil. Caffeine also dehydrates your skin.

Avoid Excessive Alcohol Use – Excessive alcohol and caffeine consumption can wreak havoc on your skin. Alcohol dehydrates your skin, robbing your body of key nutrients.

Don’t Smoke – Nicotine contracts your blood vessels. This decreases oxygen flow and nutrients to your skin. Over time, repetitive pursing of the lips may contribute to facial wrinkles.

You don’t need to spend thousands of dollars on expensive spa treatments to keep your skin looking young. Take care of your body and provide it with nourishment. uüth™

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