EMF Protection

EMF Protection – Tuün

Our products are here to ensure you have the best EMF protection available. Be your best and healthiest, free from radiation. Every electronic device produces artificial electromagnetic fields. Cell phones and other communication signals, which are powerful with high frequency, are damaging to our human cells. The EMFs from regular low-frequency home electrical devices can be damaging. And they can be even more damaging when they are around high-voltage power lines.

Electromagnetic rays are generated at an increasing rate each day on devices we commonly use. Next, we have been made aware of this damage long ago. At any frequency, electromagnetic fields are harmful to human beings, animals, and plants. Electromagnetic fields and rays of energy can transfer voice, data, and huge data files and technology.

But, something so powerful has to have its downside. These electromagnetic fields and rays of energy can pierce our bodies, brains, and organs. And, this is happening like “a foggy mist moving across your lawn”. The damage is happening, and you are not even aware of it. What can be done to protect ourselves?

Our products are here to ensure you live your best and healthiest life possible, free from radiation.

EMF Protection for Your Home – Why So Important?

For many of you, the most important reason to make your home safer is that younger children and babies are more vulnerable to this radiation than adults.

Wireless device EMF radiation poses health risks to all human beings. However, babies and fetuses are much more vulnerable to damage from these forces. This shouldn’t be surprising. EMF is a carcinogen, and children are at greater risk than adults when exposed to carcinogens.

EMF Radiation more Risky for Children and Babies

There are a few reasons why the younger you are, the more risk you face from exposure to EMF radiation.

  • Babies grow fast, and younger people are still growing. This means their cells constantly divide and multiply. EMF radiation from devices such as cell phones, baby monitors and WiFi has been shown to lead to genetic mutations, directly damaging their DNA. Any damage to the DNA in the cells of children will replicate more quickly because of their growth rates.
  • Babies and children are smaller. Although that is obvious, the smaller the person, the further EMF radiation can penetrate into the body.
  • Babies are younger, so they will have more years to live with any damage that may happen. And more years to accumulate exposure.
  • Children are more vulnerable because their skulls are thinner than adults. The skull prevents EMF radiation from reaching the brain. The skulls of children provide less protection against EMF radiation entering the brain because they are thinner. The radiation can penetrate more deeply into the brains of children than adults.

The best EMF protection is free because the best way to protect yourself from EMF is to reduce your exposure to it. There are many ways to do that. You should practice turning off your WiFi router at night. Keep electronics out of your bedrooms and stop buying “smart” stuff you don’t need. Start by paying close attention at home.

We found these incredible and affordable solutions. There is some must-haves. We are using the Bio Arc Discs for all uses. The small ones are on our Mobile Phones (stuck to the back). On our laptop computers (stuck to the back).

Additional Ideas to Make Your Turn off breakers to any adjacent bedroomsSafe Bedroom

In addition to the three items mentioned above, consider making these changes:

  • Do not use electric blankets, use heavier blankets, flannel sheets, socks, etc. to keep warm.
  • Don’t Sleep on a Metal Coil Mattress
  • Keep your furniture away from appliances
  • Get rid of Dimmer Switches
  • Avoid using synthetic materials
  • Consider purchasing a “Shield your Body canopy cover
EMF Protection

Residential Testing?

First and foremost, we each need to educate ourselves. We need to understand what it is, how we are exposed, and how to minimize exposure. We don’t want to wait till we develop symptoms from these rays. Let me give you a good place to start protecting yourself, and your home. Start by performing EMF testing at your home. The following are some common questions related to testing:

How does residential EMF testing work, and what is it?

EMF testing in your home is a great way to see the EMF levels that might be present. The purpose of EMF testing is to see how much EMF you’re exposed to and if those levels exceed safe limits. An EMF test will also tell you exactly where the EMF is coming from, besides that.

Is it safe to touch the emf source when we test it?

When testing things like your WiFi router or cellphone, do not touch the EMF source or the meter if possible. Let it read out measurements without touching it. But, sometimes that won’t be possible.

Where should I place my EMF meter?

Many put the EMF meter right in front of the device. Some appliances will emit much more radiation from the back. This is especially true of the refrigerator and freezer. So you may want to make sure you are taking readings at the most dangerous place.

How does EMF affect your health?

EMF Protection

EMF in our environment increases daily. The more you’re exposed to it, the greater the risk to your health. EMF is an invisible force, after all. You can’t see, touch, smell, or taste it. Just a quick comment here, if you follow the World Health Organization, the following information relates to the EMF rays you get when simply using your cell phone according to this organization. Please note below:

Over the past few decades, science has demonstrated a lot of negative health effects from exposure to EMF radiation– even at levels that you’d get just by making a call on a cell phone. 

We’re talking about TENS of thousands of different scientific studies demonstrating negative health effects from EMF radiation.

These effects can range from less serious ones like sleep disruption and anxiety, all the way up to cancer, miscarriage, and infertility.

These effects can range from less serious ones like sleep disruption and anxiety, all the way up to cancer, miscarriage, and infertility.

Available in Rose Gold Too
Comes in Silver, Jewelry EMF Protection

Possible Consequences From Cell Phone Usage

There are some people who, for personal or business reasons, will not survive without a cell phone on their immediate person, no matter what they learn about EMF and its risk to their health. A commercial property manager is a perfect example of this. My job required me to carry my cell phone at all times. For most of my career, I had my cell phone glued to my body 24/7/365. Including when sleeping and on vacations. One of the properties may have an emergency. I carried two many times. My personal and work cell phones.

EMF Protection

Some of the following symptoms have been linked to today’s mobile applications, which use increased levels of EMF and other electronic signals:

  • Irritability
  • Dizziness
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Fatigue
  • Lack of concentration
  • Changes in memory
  • Headaches
  • Sleep issues
  • Decreased appetite
  • Weight Loss
  • Listlessness

Many of the more serious consequences follow:

  • Increased risk of brain cancer
  • Increased risk of brain tumors, especially in use over ten years
  • Increased risk of brain cancer, especially on the same side of the head as cell phone
  • Increased risk of brain tumors
  • Increased risk of glioma
  • Probable association between brain cancer and cell phone use

Don’t risk unnecessary chances with your health. Think about protection for yourself and those you care about as soon as possible. There is even protection available for your pets and plants. Use it!

Anatomy Lesson

Many areas of interest have been discovered in our Health and Wellness research. The study of our body’s energy and how to keep it positive is interesting to many people. Our research has also uncovered a wonderful company that provides these tools.

In the study of energy, we learn about Chakras and Healing Crystals. The etheric body contains energy vortexes called chakras, which conduct life-force energy to the physical body. When this radiation surrounds us, how can we protect ourselves and our families? Almost everything we use daily has become essential. You can buy protection devices to shield you from EMF. Amulets and crystals are like talismans. Their help blocks this radiation. Lots of people believe in it and follow it.

We have uncovered biohacking products that can also help you get on track. The amulets and SNAPs can help reduce anxiety and stress while making you feel more spiritually strong. You should lose weight by getting a good night’s sleep. Start feeling energy like you’ve never felt before by taking your SNAPs daily.

Other Ways to Make Your Home Safer?

These ideas can also be tried. Keep electronic devices to an absolute minimum, or create rooms in your home without them. Bedrooms may be a good location, as you may spend most of your time sleeping at home. Unless you put your cell phone on airplane mode, do not take it in your room with you.

EMF Protection
Room Balancer also Available

Additional Suggestions

If you spend a lot of time on the computer, add a desktop monitor, but don’t add any wireless devices. Hardwired is safer. Try to avoid spending any time near power lines, cell towers, and other WI-fi devices. It would be better to use your cell phone on speaker. rather than putting it against your ear. Men, do not place your cell phone in your pocket, as this can make you sterile. Ladies, not in your bra or pocket. There have been many cases of women developing breast tumors that can be linked to this radiation.

The Power of Crystals

Life’s Vibrations Affect Natural Health and Wellness

It is written Albert Einstein said everything in life is vibration. Each crystal has its own unique vibration, which is the power of chakra crystal healing. Crystals give off vibrations at a constant frequency because of their structure and composition. Their vibrations don’t change.

EMF Protection Crystal

Your body also has unique vibrations. Many things can affect your energy vibrations. Physical, spiritual, and emotional factors can affect your energy vibrations.

Crystals Can Alter Your Energy Vibrations

This fact is powerful. A crystal raises the vibration of whatever it comes into contact with to match its own vibration. When a crystal’s higher frequency tunes into your lower frequency, it raises yours up to match it. This helps you to move past the blockages that have been holding you back. It gives you a boost of positive energy. Crystals can be a natural way to help with health and wellness.

EMF Protection for the body

The crystal helps you achieve your goals and desires. The crystal’s strong, positive energy magnifies and amplifies your own energy, helping you realize your intentions and manifest them more effectively and faster. Remarkable effects come from wearing crystals close to your body or even in your pocket.

Crystal Science

We realize that everyone has their own opinion of how energy works and how it can affect our lives. But please do not dismiss this work. Many people believe in the power of crystals over the body’s energy.

Marcel Vogel, an IBM scientist, did one of the first studies in this area. He observed that the shape of crystals took different forms depending on what he was thinking, while microscopically studying their growth. The molecular bonds constantly assembling and disassembling, he hypothesized, are the result of these vibrations. His study of Clear Quartz proved that rocks, much like tapes, can store thoughts using magnetic energy.

The Human Body Energy Field

Our body has an energy field around it that we cannot change. We can produce negative energy. However, we can work on balancing our chakras, control our energy and keeping it positive.

There is a lot of pressure and emotional stress in life. Sleep becomes an issue for most people. Some people believe crystals can help improve mood and relieve emotional stress when placed in the bedroom. Placing crystals throughout your home or office will protect you from negative energy. If this is not enough for a good night’s sleep, check out this product produced with nanotechnology.

Harmful EMF & EMF Protection Crystals

We live in a tech-savvy world. Most every man, woman and child in 1st world countries has a cell phone. Most have electronic tablets, laptops, PCs, radios, and televisions, as well as the electronic equipment needed to make them run. All of them emit EMF, which can be harmful to our bodies.

We need to protect ourselves from negative energy. It’s not a bad idea to put crystals where you spend a lot of time. This could be your house, office, or car. This company offers a wide range of products to improve ambient radiation.

Enjoy this brief video about the power of energy-generating Orgone Pyramids and its uses!

Where Do EMF Rays Come From….Why EMF Protection?

Our desire and need for the latest and greatest technological gadgets, “smart” things may be putting our health and ultimately our lives at risk. We use electroshock to fix our heart’s rhythm. Huge machines produce radiation that uses a lot of electricity. We use many of those gadgets to treat cancer. Nuclear radiation also produces EMF. These are a few examples of High Risk electromagnetic fields.

Low risk fields are more common. You’ll find them in almost every home and office. Routers emit EMF, cellphones, programmable appliances, microwaves, and even light bulbs. Our source of heat and natural light produces EMF and can also give you skin cancer. Power lines that supply our homes and offices emit one of the biggest sources of low risk electromagnetic fields.

Energy Healing EMF Protection

Your body contains seven major chakras, each with a purpose, and all of them interconnected.

21,211 Chakra Vector Images, Chakra Illustrations | Depositphotos

Everything in the universe is energy with its own vibration frequency. When our Chakras are in balance, our lives are in complete harmony and our health is good. If a chakra becomes blocked and exposed to negative energy, we can experience emotional distress and disease. When we heal and maintain our energy body’s health, we actually heal issues that may come up before they manifest in the physical body.

The three upper chakras are considered Spiritual Chakras, and the three lower Chakras are considered the Physical Chakras. Both are connected by the Heart Chakra.

Several important healing remedies and treatments include yoga postures, meditations, crystals, essential oils, and diet. There are more available with the little research on EMF Protection.

Why EMF Protection?

Many symptoms may be caused by increased levels of EMF and other electronic signals, such as those used in today’s mobile applications. These include the following:

  • sleep disturbances, including insomnia
  • headache
  • depression and depressive symptoms
  • tiredness and fatigue
  • lack of concentration
  • changes in memory
  • dizziness
  • irritability
  • loss of appetite and weight loss
  • restlessness and anxiety
Seven Natural Crystal Stone Necklace

None of these sound fun, so we really need to protect ourselves and our families from the radiation causing us harm.

Technology Brings Healing Necklaces, Crystals, and Nutritional Changes and Science

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