Learn a Language on your Own

We want to show you how to learn a language on your own. You can learn a language on your own from the solace of your own home. Not only that, but you can do it in your free time. This makes perfect sense. Think about it. You learned to speak from the comfort of your home. You didn’t have a teacher, did you? It just came naturally through everyday practice and repetition. You can teach yourself multiple languages from home using the same process.

Isn’t this amazing? You don’t have to leave your house. No traffic, no schedules, no teachers, and no exams. Not even a textbook! Time to learn how to become fluent in any language by watching your own television.

Make Use of the Boob Tube

learn a language on your own

Put your television to good use, instead of wasting your time watching night after night, watching reruns. Rather than repeat words over and over again, learn a language through context. What we are showing you here is the quickest learning system. See it here! This is Lingopie! You can watch Lingopie on your phone, computer, or tablet. The more you watch, the more you learn!

Lingopie offers a 7 day free trial. You have access to 9 languages for the price of 1 as follows:

  • Spanish
  • English
  • French
  • German
  • Italian
  • Russian
  • Japanese
  • Portuguese
  • Korean
Learn a language on your own

Get access to travel shows, movies, telenovelas, comedies, and much more. New shows are added each month, so there will always be new material to learn from. This program is designed for Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced levels of proficiency.

A Whole World of Spanish TV Shows for Kids

There are also many entertaining and safe Spanish TV shows for kids. Start your kids today on a journey towards language fluency with hand-picked shows by language experts. There are even games fit for family fun.

There are thousands of hours of great TV shows in the language you choose to learn. Select a show and commit to watching a full season. By the time the season has ended, your confidence and comprehension will be much improved. You will be amazed at how your brain rewires itself to acquire new words, phrases, and slang. By watching TV shows, with both your new language and English, “close captioned” on the TV screen, you get all this.

You’ll notice that your understanding of the language has increased dramatically after just a few episodes. Much of the dialogue will actually be comprehensible to you. This is not even remotely scary. Lingopie has even mastered these programs to teach your kids, remember. Let me know what you think after you try it for free for seven days! Learning a new language with Lingopie is a piece of cake!

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